
Last update 30 January 2024

View of the Rectory from the balcony of Monferrato: this is Albugnano


Albugnano dominates the Lower Monferrato from its height of 549 meters above sea level.

It is about 35 km from Asti, the provincial capital.


Roman domination

Analyzing the archaeological finds in the area, scholars believe that there were inhabited settlements in the lands of Albugnano as early as Roman times.

The conquest of the Astigiani and the return to the Marquises of Monferrato

The Astigiani conquered Albugnano in 1292.

The lands, taken from the Marquises of Monferrato, returned to the latter just the following year.

The rule of the Savoys

Albugnano came under the rule of the Savoys in the 17th century.

Albugnano fiefdom of the canons of Vezzolano

In more recent times, until the nineteenth century, the town was a fief of the canons of Vezzolano.


“Storia”. Comune di Albugnano, Apr. 9, 2018, Last accessed Jan. 4, 2024.


Food and wine and typical products

Albugnano is carving out a niche for itself in the Piedmont wine world thanks to Albugnano DOC, a precious wine made from Nebbiolo grapes. The Albugnano 549 association brings together the appellation's 13 producers.

The people of Albugnano, in addition to wine, have some typical recipes that are all worth trying.


“Ricette”. Comune di Albugnano, Feb. 12, 2019, Last accessed Jan. 4, 2024.

To be seen

The name of Albugnano is inextricably linked to that of the Rectory of S. Maria of Vezzolano (Vezzolano Abbey) — Canonica di Santa Maria di Vezzolano (Abbazia di Vezzolano).

The guest quarters of the Vezzolano Abbey house the Permanent Exhibition of Romanesque in the province of Asti.

Traces of Romanesque are also visible in the plan of the parish church of St. James the Greater (chiesa parrocchiale di San Giacomo Maggiore), and in the cemetery of Albugnano where the Church of St. Pietro (Chiesa di San Pietro) stands.

Thanks to its particular altitude and panoramic views, Albugnano is called the “balcony of Monferrato”.

From its famous Belvedere Motta, the highest point in the Monferrato area where once stood the Castle of Albugnano, it is possible to enjoy a splendid view of the Astigiano hills and catch a glimpse of the Basilica of Superga.


“Monumenti e cose da vedere”. Comune di Albugnano, Aug. 1, 2023, Last accessed Jan. 4, 2024.

“Punti di Interesse”. Comune di Last accessed Jan. 4, 2024.


Legend has it that the construction of the Rectory of St. Mary of Vezzolano was ordered by Charlemagne.


“La chiesa nei secoli”. Santa Maria di Last accessed Jan. 4, 2024.

Data source


BeWeb - Beni Ecclesiastici in WEB

Catalogo Generale dei Beni Culturali

Centro Interuniversitario di Storia Territoriale "Goffredo Casalis"

Ente Turismo Langhe Monferrato Roero

GAL Basso Monferrato Astigiano

la Cabalesta: Colline dell’arcobaleno

Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

See also

News from Albugnano

Events in Albugnano

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