Revigliasco d’Asti

Last update 30 January 2024

Revigliasco d'Asti, the home of cherries in the Valle Tanaro


Revigliasco d'Asti lies in the southwestern Astigiano.

It is about 7 km from Asti, the provincial capital.


“Benvenuti a Revigliasco”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“I bricchi e le cascine”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Il fiume, la pianura”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.


Historians date the first inhabited settlements in the area to the Roman period.

An indelible trace of the Roman presence is represented by the discovery in 1948 of an epigraph dating back to the first century AD.

The development of the town is affirmed centuries later, more precisely in the Middle Ages.

Revigliasco then passes, around the first century of the year 1000, among the territories governed by the municipality of Asti.

In the 14th century, the Roero family of Revigliasco established itself, whose power over the territory was not lost until the 19th century.

The history of Revigliasco d'Asti recalls, then, the rule of the Visconti, the Dukes of Orleans and the Savoy up to the Kingdom of Italy.


“Cenni storici”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.


Food and wine and typical products

Revigliasco is known worldwide as the land of cherries.

The renowned cherry market has now been replaced by the Cherry Festival (Sagra della Ciliegia) held in June.

Also revealing is the wine production: local wines include Barbera d'Asti and Grignolino d'Asti.

Revigliasco is also a land of truffles and the prized round gentle hazelnut of Piedmont.


“I nostri prodotti”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 19. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Sport e manifestazioni”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

To be seen

Visitors are welcomed by the Chapel of St. Roch (Cappella di San Rocco).

The Church of St. Martin and St. Anne (Chiesa di San Martino e Sant'Anna) and the town hall are located in the “living room” of Revigliasco, in the city center.

Not far away, you can see a beautiful statue of the Virgin Mary.

The hill of the cemetery also worth a stop for its scenic location.

Greeting visitors is the Chapel of the Blessed Virgin of Grace (Cappella della Beata Vergine delle Grazie).

Outdoor enthusiasts should also note the presence of a monumental white willow, the equipped panoramic point in Piazza Garons and La Cascina della Balia, where Vittorio Alfieri lived his first year of life.

Finally, of great historical and artistic significance are the Camargue Cross and the Roman epigraph, both located in the atrium of the town hall.


“Arrivederci a Revigliasco”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Cenni storici”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Il borgo San Martino”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Il borgo San Rocco”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Il Palazzo Comunale”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“La Chiesa Parrocchiale”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Nel cuore del Paese”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Piazza Vittorio Veneto”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 10. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

“Punti di Interesse”. Comune di Revigliasco d' Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.


The Municipality of Revigliasco has a historical coat of arms representing an Easter lamb.


“Il gemellaggio con Garons”. Comune di Revigliasco d'Asti, Sep. 11. 2018, Last accessed Jan. 28, 2024.

Data source


BeWeb - Beni Ecclesiastici in WEB

Catalogo Generale dei Beni Culturali

Centro Interuniversitario di Storia Territoriale "Goffredo Casalis"

Ente Turismo Langhe Monferrato Roero

GAL Basso Monferrato Astigiano

Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera.

See also

News from Revigliasco d'Asti

Events in Revigliasco d'Asti

Social network | Municipality of Revigliasco d'Asti

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